How Do I Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is without a doubt the best and easiest way to get rid of unwanted body hair. It can get rid of hair from your upper lip to your underarms, or anywhere else you don’t want it. Yes, it can even work on men so that they no longer need to shave their faces.

If you decide to get rid of your hair with a laser, you’ll find that it’s a very simple and not too painful process. Find out from the people who work at Bergen County Hair Removal how to get ready for the laser hair removal procedure.

How Lasers Work to Get Rid of Hair

A laser is used to target your hair follicles and get rid of hair. The Cynosure® laser, which is used at Bergen County Hair Removal, is the most advanced way to get rid of hair. The laser sends out a very bright light that kills the pigment in the hair follicle.

This works to get rid of all the hair, and it usually takes at least six sessions to do so.

Whoever Gets the Best Results

Even though laser hair removal can work for almost anyone, it works best on people with certain hair types and skin tones.

People with light skin and dark hair are best for hair removal with a laser. This creates a contrast that makes it easy for the laser to find the hair follicles.

How to Get Ready for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a simple process that doesn’t usually require a lot of preparation ahead of time. Most people say it hurts a little to a lot and feels like a rubber band snapping against their skin over and over again. It may not be comfortable, but most of the time you don’t need a strong painkiller.

The technician will probably put some cream on the area that will be worked on to make it less painful. Most of the time, this is enough for the procedure.

Before you get your first laser treatment, you will meet with your provider. Use the following tips to get ready for laser hair removal and to take care of yourself afterward:

  • Don’t wax, electrolyze, or pluck your hair for six weeks before your treatment. You should also stay out of the sun for six weeks before and after your treatment.
  • During the treatment, you may need to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the laser.
  • The technician will point a laser at the hair follicles and watch for reactions.
  • Make sure to tell your technician about any medications you take, especially if you take anything for severe acne. You should also say if you tend to get keloid scars on your skin.

After the treatment, it’s normal for your skin to feel a little bit itchy for a few days. You might feel like you have a mild sunburn, which is normal and to be expected.

Some people may also get small blisters, especially those with darker skin. Again, this should only last for a short time.

After your first session, you’ll need to make follow-up appointments about every 4 to 6 weeks. You’ll keep getting treatments every 4 to 6 weeks until all of your hair falls out.

If you’ve been wondering if laser hair removal is right for you, there’s no reason to wait any longer. You can contact or book an appointment online with the providers at Bergen County Hair Removal.