3 Steps to Recovering From Surgery With Short-Term Rehab

Over the past few decades, improvements in medical technology have greatly contributed to our ability to live long, healthy lives. While surgery is never enjoyable, many of these medical innovations include surgical intervention, which can greatly enhance our health and quality of life. For instance, a bypass operation aims to enhance heart function, whereas a joint replacement operation aims to provide painless and flexible movement. If you required either of these operations, they might increase your capacity to engage in the pursuits you adore. However, you would first need to heal from the procedure itself before you could go skiing, take your grandchildren to Disneyland, or start learning to stand up paddleboard.  

Some people recuperate well enough from the hospital to their homes, but some people require a little longer time before they’re able to resume living alone. Short-term rehabilitation programs are available for individuals who need more time to heal at skilled nursing facilities like Bridgeway Senior Healthcare. Here’s how to maximize your rehabilitation in a center offering short-term rehab. 

Three approaches to short-term recovery after surgery

Short-term therapy following surgery is typically quite helpful and reassuring.  These thorough therapy regimens are intended to assist you in regaining strength, functionality, and independence as soon as feasible. These rehabilitation centers enable patients the flexibility to concentrate on their healing and recovery by providing round-the-clock care as well as first-rate amenities and services in a comfortable setting. 

Take a look at these 3 stages of recuperating after surgery with short-term rehab if you’re about to have surgery or if you know someone who is.  

  1. Pick the best rehabilitation program.

You have a better chance of discovering the ideal program for you the earlier you begin looking for a rehab facility. Of course, getting a head start isn’t always possible, but it’s a good idea if you can comparison shop in advance.  What to look for in a center for short-term rehabilitation includes:

●      A clean, comfortable environment (visit in-person if you can)

●      Doctors and therapists on staff 24-hours

●      Appropriate therapies and services for your condition

●      An interdisciplinary approach to the recovery process (communication among providers)

●      Compassionate, caring support staff

Your ability to fully commit to your recovery will depend on how comfortable you feel with the rehab center you’ve chosen.

  1. Self-promotion from the start

Nobody is more familiar with you than you are. Only you have complete knowledge of your feelings, experiences, and what works and doesn’t for you. It’s critical that you take an active part in your recovery, starting with the planning of your care and continuing all the way through program completion. This entails advocating for oneself, expressing your requirements, gathering information to communicate with your physicians, and asking as many questions as necessary. To ensure a thorough recovery that will allow you to return to health and independent living, self-advocacy is crucial. 

  1. Decide and follow through

Your everyday necessities are taken care of, allowing you to concentrate on your recovery, which is one of the major advantages of becoming sober in a short-term treatment program. It’s crucial to make the most of this opportunity and give the rehabilitation program your all. Your strength, endurance, mobility, and general health may all be affected by how you handle these days just after your operation. Even though the activities your therapists have you undertake are not pleasurable now, they might lead to years of satisfaction in the future. You’ll become stronger and return to your favorite activities faster if you put more effort into your rehab today. 

Bridgewater short-term rehab | Bridgeway Senior Healthcare

Our goal at Bridgeway Senior Healthcare is to offer the top short-term rehab program that Bridgewater has to offer. In our 5-Star skilled nursing facility in Lemon Grove, we provide the finest quality tailored care, personal attention, and home comforts. Our team is committed to empowering patients and assisting them in quickly returning to independent living. Call us at (908) 274-1090 right away for more details about our short-term recovery program.