Pros & Cons of Mediation in Divorce

There are many different ways that couples can choose to handle the process of divorce. Some couples opt for litigation, while others choose mediation. Mediation has become a more popular option in recent years, as it allows couples to agree without going to court. Let’s look at what mediation is and the pros and cons of divorce.

What Is Mediation in Divorce Proceedings?

When a couple decides to divorce, they must resolve various issues, including child custody, property division, and spousal support. Often, they can resolve these issues through negotiation and agreement. However, sometimes the couple cannot reach an agreement on their own. In these cases, mediation can be a helpful tool.

Mediation is a process in which the divorcing couple meets with a neutral third party who helps them reach an agreement on the outstanding issues. The mediator does not make decisions for the couple but instead guides them toward an acceptable resolution for both parties. By working with a mediator, the couple can avoid the stress and expense of a trial and reach a divorce agreement that works for them.

What Are Some of the Pros and Cons of Using Mediation in Divorce?

There are both pros and cons to using mediation in divorce, and beginning with the pros.

Mediation Is a Cheaper Option Than Going to Court

Mediation can be a cheaper and faster option than going to court. Mediators are trained to help couples resolve their differences cooperatively, and they can often help them reach an agreement that satisfies both parties.

In addition, mediation is typically cheaper than hiring two lawyers to court. It can also be faster since it does not involve the time-consuming process of preparing for and attending a trial. For couples struggling to reach an agreement, mediation can be a valuable option to save time and money.

Mediation Allows Both Parties to Have a Voice in The Divorce Process

Mediation offers an alternative approach where both parties have a voice in the divorce process. Through family law mediators, couples can openly express their concerns and desires while working towards a solution that they both feel comfortable with. Thus, mediation allows divorcing couples to fully voice their needs while helping family law professionals guide them towards mutually agreed-upon resolutions.

Ultimately, this collaborative approach is beneficial for all involved, making it an attractive option for those seeking a more civil end to their marriage.

Mediation Helps Keep the Divorce Process Civil and Respectful

Divorce mediation is a voluntary process, which means that both parties must agree to participate. This fact alone often helps keep the divorce process more civil and respectful than if the couple went through the court system.

Both spouses are also typically required to sign a contract agreeing to mediate in good faith, which can help to foster a more cooperative atmosphere.

Mediation Can Help Preserve Relationships

Since mediation is a less adversarial process than going to court, it can help to preserve relationships between the divorcing couple. This is especially important if the couple has children together, as they will likely need to continue to communicate and cooperate for many years to come.

Cons of Using Mediation in Divorce

Mediation May Not Be Appropriate in All Cases

Not all divorcing couples will benefit from mediation, and in some cases, it may cause more conflict between the spouses. This can happen if one party is particularly difficult to work with or unwilling to compromise on critical issues.

In these cases, a formal court process may be a better option, as it can provide more structure and offer more excellent protection for the rights of both parties.

Mediation May Not Be Confidential

While mediation is typically confidential, this may not always be the case. In some jurisdictions, mediators must report any possible child abuse or domestic violence cases to authorities, which means that your conversations during mediation may not be completely private.

Mediation May Not Be Binding

Depending on the laws in your jurisdiction, mediation may not be legally binding. If you reach an agreement during mediation, either party can back out before a court finalizes it. This can be a significant concern in some cases, particularly if one party feels that they are being pressured into making certain concessions.

It Can Be Challenging to Reach a Resolution That Satisfies Everyone Involved

While mediation can offer many benefits for divorcing couples, it can also be challenging to reach a resolution that satisfies everyone involved. This is due primarily because each spouse often has very different priorities and needs, making finding common ground difficult. At the same time, this challenge also makes mediation an ideal option for those seeking a more collaborative and less combative approach to divorce.


The above are some key points to consider regarding the pros and cons of mediation in divorce. While mediation can be an effective way to resolve disputes, it is not always the best option for every couple. It is essential to weigh all of these factors carefully before deciding whether or not mediation is right for you. Ultimately, whether or not to use mediation in divorce is personal and should be based on your unique circumstances.